You want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.

This is a blog about why we see things the way we do–applied both to our (Isaac and Spencer’s) personal experiences and to what we notice about the world. It turns out people make a lot of mistakes. In the 70’s and 80’s, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky essentially launched an entire field of research by systematically showing this to be true (and inspired this blog along the way–no doubt one of their bigger achievements). So why not just read their work? One paragraph of Kahneman is surely more informative that anything we put on this site. Well, decades later, human irrationality and cognitive bias persist, leaving the door wide open for chumps like us to think and talk about it.

We will probably post about a whole lot of stuff. If our posts ever seem off-topic, you just don’t understand the connection, and are thus committing some classic cognitive error. You want us to be wrong, but we are right. If you think we are being original, we’re certainly not. Originality is overrated on the wheel of progress.

If you’re curious about what we are reading or things that generally spark our interests, check out our respective Pinboards:

You can contact us via email as well! We don’t get a lot of mail, so there’s a good chance we’ll respond.